
Hello and welcome to my website! check in every once in a while for updates on my blog, art gallery, and the overall site.

Be warned, im in the process of remaking everything so you are very likey to run into links that dont work and place holder text, thanks for understanding! :)

Link me!

About The Site and Me

Hello! My name is Cyrus I'm 19 and use He/They pronouns.

I made this site in early 2023, which is also when I first started coding. This site will mostly be an ongoing project for me, as my interests are always changing. As per the welcome tab, you'll see the most updates on this site on my art and blog pages.

Where to Contact Me

E-mail me at: cyrussoleil0112@gmail.com


Tumblr| Bluesky|ArtFight|Twitter

Update Log MM/DD/YYYY

Changed LITERALLYYYYY everything lol 1/16/2024

Updated art gallery 6/5/2024